Advanced Renamer Download Free 2025 for Windows and Mac
Advanced Renamer Download Free 2025 for Windows and Mac
Advanced Renamer is free software that allows you to rename many files and folders at once. Names can be handled in a variety of ways by configuring renaming procedures.
It is simple to set up a large batch operation with several files using various strategies. The names, attributes, and timestamps of the files can all be modified at the same time using the 14 distinct methods. It is also possible to copy or relocate files depending on file data to new places.
You may generate new file names using Advanced Renamer by adding, deleting, replacing, altering the case, or renaming the file depending on known information about the file. Before doing operations on the files, you may rename them again to see if the outcome is accurate, and you can also undo the operation.

Selected Features
- Renaming based on tags
- Use regular expressions and wildcards to your advantage.
- Real-time preview of new names
- With EXIF support, we renamed the image.
- Utilize GPS data from picture files
- JavaScript may be used to generate new filenames.
- Rename using MP3/ID3 data.
- Reverse the previous installment
- Rename, copy, and move are all batch modes.
- View picture thumbnails
- Replace the name with video tags.
- When renaming TV shows, use the imported data.
- Support for Unicode and UTF8
- Files and directories are both supported.
- Configure file timestamps and characteristics
- Various methods for renaming
- Use numerous approaches at once.
Advanced Renamer GPS data
If your image files have GPS data, you may include the city and nation where the photograph was shot. Coordinates are used to search for cities, countries, and country names in a database of over 100,000 cities worldwide.
Picture Files
For both pros and beginners, this large file renamer is an excellent application for managing digital images. Thumbnail mode shows thumbnails immediately in the file list, allowing you complete control over the renaming process. You can quickly rename all of your images with this app.
Video Recordings
Have you ever wished to include a codec or video resolution in the name of a file? You may use video tags to add information about video and audio equipment to contacts.
Mp3 Files
MP3s and other music files may include spoiled names and unusual characters. Using the built-in ID3 capabilities, you may alter the names of your favorite audio files to more useful ones using Advanced Renamer.
TV Show
After importing program information from the TV maze, add the episode title or broadcast date to video files containing TV shows.
Image Files
This large file renamer is a great tool for organizing digital photos for both professionals and novices. Thumbnail mode allows you to display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control over the renaming process. With this program, you can rename all your photos in a jiffy.
GPS Data
If your photo files contain GPS data, you can add the name of the city and country where the photo was taken. Coordinates are used to look up city, country and country names from a database of more than 100,000 cities around the world.
Files, MP3 files, and other music files often have irregular names and contain strange characters. With Advanced Renamer, you can change the names of your favorite music files to more suitable ones using the built-in ID3 functions.
Video Files
Do you want to add the video codec or resolution to the file name? With video tags, you can add various information about video and audio content to names.
Add episode title or air date to video files containing TV shows after importing show information from

Advanced Renamer is a Free Program for Renaming Multiple Files and Folders at Once.
By configuring renaming methods, names can be handled in different ways. It is easy to set up an advanced batch job using multiple methods on a large number of files. The 14 different methods allow you to change file names, attributes, and time stamps in one go.
Files can also be copied or moved to new locations based on the information in the files. With Advanced Renamer, you can create new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing cases, or giving the file a new name based on known information about the file.
Before performing the operations on the files, you can check that the output will be correct and if you rename and regret it, you can undo the whole batch.
Advanced Renamer Features
This huge file renamer is a great tool for organizing digital photos for both professionals and novices. Thumbnails mode allows you to display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control over the renaming process. With this software, you can rename all your photos in no time.
- If your photo files contain GPS data, you can add the name of the city and country where the photo was taken. Coordinates are used to look up city, country, and country names from a database of more than 100,000 cities around the world.
- MP3 and other music files often have corrupt names and contain strange characters. With Advanced Renamer, you can change the names of your favorite music files to more suitable ones using the built-in ID3 functions.
- Have you ever wanted to add the codec or video resolution to the file name? With video tags, you can add various information about video and audio content to names.
- Add episode title or broadcast date to video files containing TV shows after importing viewing information from
Method Renaming
- Change the filename case
- brand new name tags
- Take the pattern out of the filename.
- Based on the list of names, create new names.
- Insert text into the name
- Remove or remove a portion of the name
- Replace a portion of the name
- Change the file’s timestamp.
- Change a portion of the name
- Toggle the batch custom script option.
- Renumbering
- Modify the file characteristics
- Remove file names
Technical Details
Software name: Advanced ′Renamer
- Category: Utility Software
- License: Free
- Version: Latest
- File size: 13.06 MB
- Core: 32/64-bit
- Operating systems: all Windows systems and others
- Languages: Multilingual
- Developed by: Hulubulu Software
- Official website:
Download Advanced Renamer Free 2025
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